Published on 09.11.2018

Indigo UK has announced a new contract win with Gloucester City Council which will include off-street civil parking enforcement and management services across 14 car parks in the city.

With locations including Eastgate Centre Shopping Centre, Hampden Way Car Park, and Station Road Car Pak the new contract is confirmed for five years and eligible for two one-year extensions.

Indigo’s car park maintenance also includes litter picking and weed control, as well as a monthly deep clean to ensure clean and safe facilities. Other key investments in security and technology include body-worn cameras for off-street enforcement, barriers, entry and exit machines and pay and display machines.

Chris Singleton, Regional Commercial Manager, Indigo UK said, “We will be utilising our wealth of experience to deliver an excellent service for the people of Gloucester with a focus on high standards of customer service and low equipment down”

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