Publicado en 28.04.2016

The global leader in parking and individual mobility aims to roll out electric recharging terminals in France and develop its electro-mobility offering in its parking facilities

Indigo is the world leader in parking and individual mobility. Innovation is ingrained in Indigo’s DNA. It has turned its parking facilities into fully fledged hubs serving urban and individual mobility. Indigo offers new concrete solutions that facilitate users’ journeys and help local authorities rise to the challenges of the future, such as electro-mobility.

Indigo, the electro-mobility partner, is rolling out recharging solutions
The fight against climate change is a major priority for France. The country is targeting a fourfold reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Moreover, 74% of local politicians consider the future development of electric vehicles as an important or very important field, and should thus be factored into public policy (FNMS/MGV barometer 2015).


Indigo has been active in the fight to reduce greenhouse gases for many years and was the first to offer a comprehensive recharging solution in its off-street parking facilities. This initiative, implemented in collaboration with Sodetrel, removes the initial obstacle to vehicle recharging and provides a concrete response to the needs of local authorities when it comes to promoting electro-mobility in their territory.

20 Indigo parking facilities are currently equipped with 120 electric recharging terminals. Indigo is planning a phased roll-out through to 2020 in order to provide motorists driving electric vehicles with an infrastructure and a territorial network which is sufficiently dense to enable them to make long-distance journeys and overcome the constraints imposed by battery autonomy. Indigo also plans to support local authorities as part of the Energy Transition Project, which aims to install seven million electric vehicle recharging terminals between now and 2030, and align itself with the urban policies that have declared air quality a major public health objective.

Towards increasingly prominent «multivariable» mobility
As a complement to electric recharging terminals, Indigo has rolled out a range of services focused on electro-mobility such as electric bicycles, hosting terminals for the electric car-sharing scheme Autolib’ in Paris and the introduction of self-service electric scooters. With the rise of intermodal journeys, which number around 560,000 every day in Ile-de-France, Indigo is providing a response tailored to urban and semi-urban environments in a bid to meet the need or even strong demand for individual mobility while taking account of environmental considerations.

Electric car sharing is a solution that addresses the many problems relating to individual journeys and city-centre congestion, while at the same time contributing to the quality of urban life. In fact, since 17 March 2016, Indigo has integrated its own individual electro-mobility self-service solution with the acquisition of Wattmobile. Already a pioneer in the services associated with parking thanks to its mobility hubs, Indigo aims to round out its offering of services aimed at making city life easier, responding to people’s ongoing quest for practical, multi-mode, environmentally responsible solutions for getting around.

Indigo aims to develop electric car sharing in France, via the company’s partnership with SNCF (French national railways) as part of its IdPass traveller programme, and gradually create a network favouring access to «multivariable» mobility in the city while reducing the level of ambient pollution.

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