Publicado en 06.10.2016

On the occasion of the Mondial de l’Automobile car show, Xee, the French start-up that turns any car model into a connected vehicle, is pleased to announce its collaboration with Indigo, the world leader in parking and personal mobility. The agreement between the two partners will begin in Paris, where it will launch and test initial uses. Indigo is giving the first 300 subscribers free access to a new service bundle that delivers an enhanced connected car experience thanks to a simple box that connects to drivers’ smartphones. Xee supports Indigo in the development of its digital strategy to improve comfort and safety for its customers with new smart tools that boost road safety, eco-awareness and connected mobility.

‘As a contributor to the digital transformation of companies, we bring all our expertise to bear for companies that want to improve the daily experience of motorists with connected cars. The project with Indigo is a perfect example of what we can do with our open, universal Data XeeCLOUD platform. We are thrilled to work with Indigo. This partnership will allow us to grow our Xeetizen community in France and to democratise connected car practices,’ explains Yvan Gravier, CEO of Xee.

Adding a new dimension to the connected car
Indigo has been active in an array of sectors (hospitals, train stations, airports, malls, hotels, etc.) for 50 years, but it continues to innovate so it can provide customers relevant solutions. Driven by shared goals and values, Xee, the dynamic start-up, was a natural choice. With the first stage of device deployment in Paris, 300 subscribers in the city will receive the equipment to use the Xee technology and its stream of uploaded information for free. They will have real time access to some 60 features on their smartphones, including vehicle geo-positioning, tracking in the event of theft or burglary, real time fuel levels, door and windshield wiper sensors, traffic light change and turn signal alerts and personalised coaching to optimise driving and fuel consumption.

‘We are excited about this new partnership with the Xee brand which strengthens our position in digital and new technologies. It will enable us to better serve our customers. In addition to our connected car parks, we are offering our users the ability to turn their cars into connected vehicles for greater comfort, new services and a re-imagined customer experience,’ adds Sébastien Fraisse, Indigo Director for France.

A partnership to develop services with high value added for motorists
After the pilot phase, if the studies conducted with the first users are conclusive, this strategy could then be deployed to other cities where Indigo operates. This could lead to new partnerships designed around connected cars, such as topping up the tank directly in the car park, receiving car insurance discounts for good driving or making repairs at car parks. Because the Xee solution is suited to managing fleets of vehicles, in the medium-term Indigo could also consider installing the device in its Wattmobile electric cars and car park maintenance vehicles.

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